So, basically, if you want to open your eyes in the same way I did you will be reading some fascinating views & opinions-some that have fed some of my own opinions & some that have left me thinking they are crazy-but fascinating to read & ponder all the same. Just be cautious that some things are OPINIONS and you should not go over board basing your new life policies & doctrines on OPINIONS...however, some things can be found in multiple resources & in multiple ways with many different spins to help you form your own opinions & options that will work for YOU and YOUR family. I like to form my opinions & lifestyle according to the motto "all things in moderation". So, with that mind, I started my research & learning from and then found all kinds of links and information through her info as well as posted comments & links shared in those comments. I enjoy her perspectives and her own counter perspectives shared or commented on. So if you are curious & wanting to make some changes for the better start there and research for yourself then you can understand a bit of my perspectives (although not always to the extreme). I also have been lucky enough to use some of my friends & their knowledge to aid me in this journey so I hope to post some new recipes that we are loving as well as information as I learn it to help me/us know how to modify some eating habits &/or recipes to hopefully improve our quality of life as well as to change the new fear that we will be the first generation to outlive our children. I DO NOT WANT THAT TO BE THE CASE FOR MY FAMILY!!! I WANT MY CHILDREN TO BE HEALTHIER THAN ME!!! So start your research & stay tuned for some of my insights 😄